KB RollerTech stands for highest Quality
For permanent assurance of a continuously high quality level KB RollerTech possesses a vast array of equipment to control the most challenging quality metrics:
- Thermal conductivity
- Electrical conductivity
- Bonding quality
- Heat aging
- Gloss
- Material flexibility
- Stress-strain
- Rebound elasticity
- Laser measurement for length, diameter, runout, TIR, shape and more
- Compressive deformation
- Long life
- Viscosity
- Surface roughness
- Inductive measurement of coating thicknesses
- Abrasion resistance
- Print quality under calibrated light conditions
If our internal capabilities are not sufficient, the following analysis can be performed at external laboratories close to KB RollerTech´s headquarters:
- Surface strain
- Contact angle
- IT-spectra
- Chemical compositions
- Rheometrical analysis
- Vulcanisational behavior
- Abrasion resistance

Your contacts for all quality related questions:
KB RollerTech Kopierwalzen GmbH
Mathias Hey, Director R&D
Tel.: +49 (0) 2273 942-131
E-Mail: mhey@kbrt.de
KB America Inc.
Tom Zimmermann, General Manager
Tel.: +1 (585) 471 5935
E-Mail: tzimmermann@kbamerica.us